Posts Tagged 'rewards'

One way to give your employees appreciation and recognition they need

I’m so excited to be working with Jason Coleman and the staff at Stadium Trophy on their SEO and Social Media. I’ll get to why a little later on.

The phrase “Cash is King” has been around for a while. It holds truth in many areas of life. For a long time, we used cash as the primary motivator of performance. You know what? It’s getting less true these days. Studies are finding that there are other ways to get people to do things.

Rewards and recognition for your employees is ranking higher on the list.

In fact, Fast Company recently published an article called the Employees Motivation Checklist that had recognition listed as #7 out of 16 things you can be doing.

We as people have a deep seated need for validation. Corporate awards that hang on our walls or our cube walls are very validating. Corporate awards that are personalized and attractive are even more so. Seriously, doesn’t this look lovely?

One of the many fine corporate awards available from Stadium Trophy

I sure would like something like this with my name on it. Wouldn’t you?

Of course it does. And think how happy Julia was when she received it. That happiness carries over to most every time she sees it. Guess who is going to want to win another one? More importantly, think about the people who see it every day and want one of their own? Motivation is psychological. Remember when you were a kid? You wanted that thing the other kid was playing with a lot more than what you had. It’s kind of fun isn’t it!

When you’re looking for another way to motivate, recognize or reward employee performance, take a look at what a corporate rewards program can do for you.

Fun thing about Jason. He and I started Networked Inc. together in 2002. We worked together schlepping telecom for XO Communications for a year + before that. We decided that there had to be a better way for companies to find customers. The company has changed a lot since that first year, but we sure had a lot of fun in the beginning. I’m super stoked to be working with him again as we grow his digital presence for Stadium Trophy.